What is Hitofnews.com? Is Hitofnews Scam or Real?

If you are on this page, then it is safe to assume that you are probably looking for more information on Hitofnews.com. Chances are that you are looking to find out whether Hitofnews is a legit or scam website. By reading this Hitofnews review, You will be get answer of many questions like What is Hitofnews, Whether Hitofnews Scam or Legit, Whether Hitofnews Real or Fake and so on.Working online from home is a growing industry, however you have to be careful not to end up on scam websites which will only waste your time. Unfortunately, this is one of the sites which is a 100% scam. 7socup is a similar website by the same group. They share similar traits like website themes and layout. The only difference between the two websites is the name of the website as well as the domain.


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What is Hitofnews.com, Is Hitofnews Scam or Legit, Is Hitofnews Real or Fake, Hitofnews Review, Hitofnews

Why is Hitofnews a Scam?

Similar websites which are legitimate will always provide information about their owners. Unfortunately the owner has registered the company privately and this raises a red flag right from the start. You are required to provide your email account as well as payment details of your online accounts like PAYPAL or PAYZA. You should be cautious because your personal information will be sold to third parties. Having your personal and financial information sold to third parties is a dangerous thing because it makes you vulnerable to hacking. You also run the risk of your email account being flooded with irrelevant advertisements.

Hitofnews claims that they can pay you between $5 to $9 for every piece of news you read. They claim you a read up to 35 new articles daily on their website. This translates to getting a minimum of $175 daily and $1225 weekly. They indicate that members with a professional status also get 50% bonus added to their daily earnings. This is one of those deals you should always think twice before jumping in on them. There is a minimum payout of $3800 and this is where most people will discover that the site does not pay any of its members. When you request for a payout the request is not processed. When you contact them, they tell you that payout request from new members take up to a month to be processed. They offer you the option of a pay upgrade in order to access your funds immediately. This is just another avenue to siphon money from you because your payout request still does not get processed. This is the major complaint among people who have been members of this website.

The website is also full of adverts. They sell advertisement space to other parties who are willing to pay. This is another clever avenue to make more money from you. That is why they offer to pay you $150 for every referral you make to your social media friends. They sweeten the pot by adding that you get 15% of the earnings your referral will earn on a daily basis. This translates to you earning as much as $2400 on a weekly basis. They use this strategy to gather more traffic on their website because the more people visit their website, the more they make from adverts. It is best if to keep off this site if you are looking for a genuine online website which pays.


If you have any question about Hitofnews or want to ask about any other site then please drop your comment below. We are happy to help you.


  1. okay thanks for explanation is there any legit way to earn like this one or another way

  2. And again scam sites are always without https, a site that has only http is not a real site it just a scam site please everyone should take note ? of this
    =https =real site
    =http =not real site.
    What I meant is on your search bar after typing what you want to search for, click on search ? at the beginning of what you have search there should be https and in green colour not http.
    Hope everyone can understand this?.

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