What is Piplogo.net? Is Piplogo Scam or Real?

If you are looking for Piplogo reviews to find out answers of questions like What is Piplogo, Whether Piplogo Scam or Legit and Whether Piplogo Real or Fake if so, then you are on the right page. In this Piplogo review, We will discuss about Piplogo background, Piplogo earning claims, Piplogo complaints, Piplogo payment proof and some other important topic. People who do not want to read our full review and want answer in very short then Piplogo is a bad site. All the claims which they are making on their site are totally fraud. Why we think that Piplogo is a bad company, You can read that in our detail Piplogo review as given below.

Let’s start our Piplogo review as given below.

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What is Piplogo.net, Is Piplogo Scam or Legit, Piplogo Real or Fake, Piplogo Review, Piplogo

What is Piplogo? Why it is a bad site?

Piplogo claims that you can earn from $0.3 to $1 by working a single job on their site. The job is very simple, They will give you different companies logo, You have to choose any company logo to start your job, When you will choose your job they will provide you 4 types of same logo in which they will ask you to rate the quality of logo. By selecting 8 qualities your job will be completed and your account is credited from $0.3 to $1 depend on your job. If you take a closer look on 4 logos then you will find that logo is exactly same like the font and image proportions are exactly same the only difference you will find there is the color of each logo is different.  Without having any difference in logo, Asking for quality rate and giving up to $1 does not make sense.So what do you think, Any legit company can give up to $1 for such a simple job? Obviosuly Not. The claim to giving up to $1 on doing a single job is totally fake.

They are also giving $5 bonus when you signup on their website and also gives you $1 when you refer other person to this site. Not only this, They are also giving 30% daily income of your referral. So from where Piplogo will generate that much amount of money to give their  members? Obviously, They are not going to pay their members they are just making fake claims on their website to lure more people into their website.

There is no information given on Piplogo website about who owns or runs this website. More than that, They also registered their domain name “www.piplogo.net” as privately, So it is impossible to tell that who is the owner of this site. Many scam sites use this technique to hide their owner identity. If any owner does not come upfront of their members then you should always think many times before working on that site.

On their website if you visit their “Project Statics” section you will find that they are claiming that there are 62,425 users on their project and also claim  that they  paid $110,082 for the last month.  Piplogo is only 36 days old(at the time of review), For a new site those statics are totally impossible. If it is possible then that site will be definitely a popular site but that is not case with the Piplogo. So, All the statics which they are providing on their site are  completely fake.

Piplogo is making money for themselves by putting google ads on their website.  Sites like Piplogo also make money by selling your personal information to third parties. So you should always research about the site before joining and working on it.
We can give you more reasons to show that Piplogo is a bad site, But we think this much information is enough to warn you about Piplogo, So stay away from this site.


As we mentioned before, Piplogo is a bad site, You will not get nothing for the work you  do there. So we recommend you to stay away form Piplogo.


If you have been scammed by Piplogo or want to ask any question about Piplogo, then, Please drop your comment below. We are happy to help you.


  1. si te fijas piplogo es una estafa porque tambien aparecen con este nombre hotlogo.net puedes verificar y te daras cuenta que es lo mismo

  2. its scame ? Im oder payment 2 time .today 16th. But I’m not get any think . And now this piplogo.net site is not opened I’m my device . Who is help me here ? its scam or real site ?

  3. is anyone here take money from this company coz it pass for 15 days and they did net pay for me and i made real too hard work and i get more than 50 person at 2 weeks 🙁
    plz answer me with information

  4. piplogo has not paid any payment for my work which are commited to our worker against for our work we done it we work whole of the month all task and work are done but no should be done by the side of piplogo company our due payment are 200$ from piplogo but no any payment should be made or received from piplogo company it is totally fradulent and scammer andscamed company every body will beaware of the fradulent and scammer company it pure and helpfull advise for every body THANKS PLEASE BEAWARE OF PIPLOGO COMPANY

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