GenuinePTR is a completely fake website

If you are looking for GenuinePTR review to know  the answers of questions like What is GenuinePTR,  Is GenuinePTR Scam or legit? Is GenuinePTR real or fake? then you came into right page. In GenuinePTR review, we will discuss about GenuinePTR background, GenuinePTR complaints, GenuinePTR Payments proof and more. If you do not want to read our full GenuinePTR review,and want to know answer quickly whether GenuinePTR Scam or not? If so, then GenuinePTR is a SCAM company which never pay to anyone.  Fmptr, Royalptr are also the sites similar to GenuinePTR. We also added  these sites into “Avoid Scam” List. If you are looking for the good and trusted sites then you can find those sites by clicking this link

What is GenuinePTR, GenuinePTR review, GenuinePTR scam or legit, GenuinePTR real or fake, GenuinePTR


There is no information on their actual website about who owns or runs this company. They also registered their website privately so it is impossible to find out that who is the owner of this site. However, GenuinePTR domain was registered on 2011-08-17. In online world, If any site owner tries to hide himself, then it is a sign that site is not trust worthy and which is the case of GenuinePTR.

GenuinePTR is a site which claims that they will pay you $500 for joining their site and also pay you $100 for each email you read. The email you read will only take 30 seconds and $100 will be credited in your account as the site claims. What do you think, Can any company give you $100 for such a simple task? yes, only scam company can give you this amount of money for this simple task. No one legit company will pay you $100 for reading one email, they only pay in cents. Sites like GenuinePTR generate revenue from selling advertisement.  In order to make profit from the mail, the company need to charge advertisers  more than $100 .If you are an advertiser and you want to promote your product through email, Will you pay more than $100 for each email ad? obviously, you will not. More than that many legit PTR sites provides 1000 PTR ads only on $1. So, what is the reason they are charging that much amount of money from the advertiser? The reason is very simple, There is no advertiser and they are only here to scamming people.

GenuinePTR only show you that your account balance is increasing and once you reached minimum threshold which is $25000 and request for payout, They will not pay you. More than that, they will ask you to upgrade your account for getting paid. GenuinePTR makes money in this phase, Some members upgrade their account in thinking that they will get their payment. But, upgraded members also not get payments. They also make money the information you provided on their site. They sell your email id to third party so you can also find lot of product offers in your inbox. The payment proofs on GenuinePTR site are completely fake. You can find many complaints around the internet from GenuinePTR members about non-payments.


GenuinePTR is  completely fake and scam website. Earning $100 just for reading one email is unrealistic, You should stay away from these kind of websites . If you want to earn decent income online, then we recommend you to join Wealthy Affiliate. You can get more details about Wealthy Affiliate by clicking this link

If you have any questions about GenuinePTR or want to ask about any other online scams, then please drop your comments below. We are happy to help you.

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